Treatment guidelines are always changing and its a must to know them when they change so that we can treat patients more efficiently.
The most recent changes came to the guidelines of treatment of Acute Ischemic Stroke.Its a very common scenario, especially when working in a casualty department or an A& E to see patients who come in and eventually gets the above mentioned diagnosis to their condition. In the April 12th issue of Stroke ASAP, the authors have stressed upon using of recombinant tissue plasminogen activator with in 3 hours of onsent of stroke symptoms. I wonder whether this is available in Maldives.
The other changes that came in to practice guidelines was the changes that came to the Cadio-Pulmonray resuscition sequences. I wonder whether IGMH has a resus team who responds to all arrest cases like they have here or elsewhere in the world?! I believe its very important to to have themedical team trained and refreshed constantly about CPR so that all can work more efficiently in an emergency life threatening situation like cardiac arrest.
By the way, i have seen "Pirates 3". Wow!! It was one big adventurous ride.The highlight of the outting was me having a perfect classic cinabbon and a tropical blast at
Cinnabon while watching shoppers walk by, parents being dragged by their kids and vice versa, kids falling while running after runaway balloons. ( take note that there's a lot of kids involved in this scene) *