Monday, July 31, 2006

Dhivehi Songs

I thought i will listen to some dhivehi songs today. So, there i went and dusted my old CD holder and got the dhivehi CD me and my flat mates compiled almost 2 years back.
Actually i did enjoy listening to these songs today cos i don't have the image of Sheela doing a very bad imitation of Sharmeela (old hindi movie star) or Youppe mimicking Shah Rukh Khan either in my mind because it had been so long since i saw any of those dhivehi songs.What a lot of bad actors we have!It's bad enough that the music industry produces songs sung to ripped hindi tunes one hundred percent,that is if such an industry exists in Maldives and to add to that there comes the bad actors causing premature degenration of our maculas!!!...Good Lord! *sighs!

Saturday, July 29, 2006

A new code?

Get this!! Scientists found a new code beyond genetics in DNA! Wow!! I guess the american minds will be churning with new ideas on how to improve their new Dolly Sheep generations in the future with this news breaking in the science world.
Check this out.

In so much pain

*arrghhhh....OK, that expresses it.I am feeling ecstatic.My urology rotation is ending by the end of this month.
What an irritating lot of residents they have there!!!I am glad i am getting out of their range of scalpels and .... yellings!
And then i enter to the world of ER or as it is said here, A&E. Accidents and emergencies department.Well, i have being waiting for this rotation all this time.
Oh,by the way, that fat lady with the hypertrophied vocal cords doesn't yell at the patients as much as she used to.Maybe she sensed that this foreign doctor doesn't like her blaring voice. Tee hehe hehe!!!

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Boring holiday

Today is a public holiday here.Marking a day in which the people of this country took to the independece square from all walks of life wanting a reform.
Anyway, after so many years, this day turned out to be an excuse for a day to put our feet up and relax and maybe if someone gives a bother, listen to the boring presidential speech.

why oh! why!!

Why do u have to scream at the patients? Don't you have a heart? They are sick and they are poor but that doesn't mean you can shout at the top of your hypertrophied vocal cords at them.
Its unhealthy for the doctors too in this environment you are creating.Get a grip and leave your vocal cords at home the next time you come to manage the clinic on the day of my duty.
Goodness gracious!! *arrghh!!

Friday, July 21, 2006

My first post

It is just another friday.Thought i could do something interesting and here is what i did.
Oh,well, at least i thought this is interesting!
Lets see how this turns out.*smiles